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Many of us who are fans of Stephenie Meyer's first book were prepared to be a little bit disappointed in the movie. After all, we've been here before. Of the five Harry Potter movies so far, none of them was what we felt they could have been.

But Twilight lends itself to film so much better than other books do. For one thing, the narrative in Twilight is chronological; there's very little information that the screenwriter and director had to bend over backward trying to fit in. It's emotionally dense, but the information is presented straightforwardly, not in an endless weaving together of past and present, as in the Harry Potter books. Twilight is dialogue-based and concerned more with the development of a relationship than with action sequences, therefore the film was almost exclusively concerned with developing the relationship between its two protagonists, Bella and Edward.

This was an excellent choice on the part of director Catherine Hardwicke, although it wasn't without cost. The relationship between Bella and Edward comes together with such intensity and overwhelming emotion that even the most avid fans of the book are thrillingly satisfied. Not that every detail was perfect, but the movie was overwhelmingly well-made, affective, and gratifying.

I can imagine it was difficult to cast a film whose characters were supposed to be inhumanly beautiful, but despite the pressure she was under to get it right, Hardwicke did an excellent job not just with the principals, but with the supporting cast as well. Billy Burke played Bella's father, Charlie, with a restraint and seriousness that befit the stoic, I-love-my-daughter-but-I'm-not-quite-sure-what-to-do-with-her-now-that-she's-here affection that fits their relationship. He even has a few humorous moments, such as when Edward asks to meet him "officially," as Bella's boyfriend, while Charlie is cleaning his gun. His exasperating protectiveness is touching and all the more affecting because of how low-key Burke plays it.

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